Category Archives: Jacob

Let’s hear it for Thursday! Day 8

Pretty much every Thursday, I say to Jacob, “I love Thursdays! It is my favorite day of the week!” And then Jacob says to me, “I know, you say that every week.” (It’s his favorite day too—only he doesn’t have to say so every week. I’m a verbal processor, what can I say??)

30 days of thankfulnessIt is my favorite day because on Thursdays we have our homeschool co-op. What a blessing the co-op has been to our family!! This year, Jacob is participating in 4 classes: Physics Lab, Spanish 2, Web Design and an English class, called Inklings, that complements our English curriculum at home. (The name of that class comes from the name that C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien gave their group of  friends who got together regularly to read and discuss literature and share their writings.)

Over 300 kids attend each Thursday with  a ton of class offerings of every type, from pre-school up through high school. It is a great ministry and support to homeschool families—and it has been such to our family. It has allowed Jacob to participate in a class setting on his own terms, with people who were willing to bring him in, understand his needs and try to make things work for him. And he has excelled.

He started with just one class his freshman year. A class called Building Big where he and a bunch of other boys who love building stuff, got together and constructed things like potato cannons, mongonals and pinewood derby cars. That one class allowed him to ease into a sometimes loud and chaotic classroom setting, which was something that was very difficult for him. He managed that beautifully and the next year he took two classes, then two classes his junior year, and now 4 this year.

The co-op has also given me an amazing opportunity to teach some of these great kids! Last year I taught one class, a middle school science class, and this year I teach that class and one more. And I love it! (Shout out to my Rainbow Science and Zoology peeps! Holllahhh!)

Jacob has come so, so far in the last 4 years. He started as a struggling kid, who could barely enter any place without having major anxiety and wearing earplugs because of the noise—and sometimes have to leave that place because it was just too overwhelming. Now, I can’t remember the last time he wore earplugs, he is taking 4 classes at the co-op, he is interacting with his peers, he keeps up with his own work for his classes  there and he is HAPPY. The child who used to say EVERY day how much he hated himself and how stupid he thought himself to be, never says that anymore. In fact, he has not said it in probably 3 years. He laughs more and he even went to a PARTY. He is doing things now that I could never begin to imagine him doing 4 years ago. It is so incredible! I will never, ever, ever, question or regret our decision to bring Jacob home. My only possible regret? That we waiting so long to bring him home.

I am so thankful that we can homeschool and for the amazing progress Jacob has made (Thank You, Lord!). I am so thankful for the wonderful, supportive group of homeschool peeps we have come to know over the last 4 years. I am so incredibly thankful for our awesome co-op. I am grateful for the opportunities it has offered Jacob and me. I am so appreciative of the people behind the scenes who make the co-op go.

Yes, I love Thursday, and everything that comes with it.

“We can get too easily bogged down in the academic part of homeschooling, a relatively minor part of the whole, which is to raise competent, caring, literate, happy people.”
― Diane Flynn Keith

{Linking up to the Almost Friday Thursday Blog Hop today at Satisfaction Through Christ}


Filed under 30 Days of Thankfulness, Homeschooling, Jacob

Life and Peace

If you were one of the 5 people who read my worrywart post from the other day, and you managed to get to the end of it, I thank you. It is not my normal fare, but honestly, I found it quite cathartic, and as one who tends to “verbally process” things, it really did help me shift my focus. So, thanks.

“That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.”  ~Chinese Proverb

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

Jacob's octanitrocubane molecule 2012At 17, Jacob is finishing up his 11th grade year. He has done very well academically this year and continues to become more independent. He is driving a little with his permit, but we are not quite ready to A) set him loose on these here SC roads and B) pay the insurance required for that there teen driver! I think his favorite thing right now is annoying his sister. Not a shocker. Especially since I only too vividly recollect my brothers’ enjoyment at annoying me when they were Jacob’s age. (No, I am not at all scarred.) He also enjoys his computer time and next year is taking a web design class at the homeschool co-op to get his feet a little more wet in that area. He is also interested in video game design and is very science minded.We will see what becomes of that! Hopefully some kind of career. (God is in control!!) He has made such incredible progress the last three years. I cannot remember the last time he wore his earplugs! Dare I say it? I feel like Asperger’s does not rule his life anymore. It’s true. Don’t get me wrong; it is there, lurking. But he is so much better able to manage the things that are frustrating or upsetting for him, which has come with lots of practice, patience and prayer. I can’t describe how proud of him we are and how thankful we are that he can enjoy his life so much more.

Emma, 8th grade dance 2012Emma nears the end of her middle school career. She, too, has excelled at school. She was stunning at her 8th grade dance a couple of weeks ago and it blows my mind at how grown up she is. Her beauty is both inward and outward, and I am so thankful. She keeps me rolling with her hilarious antics…busting a move in the grocery store the other day, and those quips of hers…I just don’t know where she gets it. She almost decided to spend May 5th of this year wrapped in bubble wrap and holed up here at the casa, since last May 5th was spent breaking her leg (and the subsequent 8 months spent rehabbing). Instead, we decided to go watch her former softball teammates play ball on the very field upon which she snapped her leg in two! That’s right! Take THAT broken leg! The next day, she turned 14. In a few months, she will enter high school. Someone please stop time already! She is 1 part excited, 2 parts terrified, but I know she will do just great.

Clyn and I just seem to be getting older…achy backs, achy feet and the like. It is so crazy to look around us and see our friends’ children graduating high school, getting married, then their kids having kids. I look at Clyn and say, “We cannot possibly be old enough to be grandparents, right?” But apparently, we are. Clyn works too hard, and when he isn’t working at his paying job, he is working at enjoying the kids and me. He is a great guy.

Emma's 14th birthday 5-12 012I have finished up my first year teaching a middle school science class at our local homeschool co-op. It was so much fun! I was nervous about doing it and yes, there were some days I felt completely clueless, but hey, let’s face it…that isn’t any different from any other day! Right? Next year, I will teach two classes there and I am really excited about it. The co-op has been such a wonderful part of our homeschooling experience and has helped Jacob grow tremendously. Such a blessing!

There is a perpetual calendar I keep on my desk that is put out by Joyce Meyer, who I enjoy for her humor and straight-forward teaching approach. Each day I enjoy reading the scripture passages and brief devotional.

Here is today’s:

“Our thoughts become our words, and our words affect our feelings and actions. Therefore, it is vitally important that we choose life-generating thoughts. When we do, right words will follow.”

The mind governed by the flesh is death,but the mind governed by the Spirit is lifeand peace. ~Romans 8:6 NIV

Amen! I choose life and peace today.

That is all!

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Filed under Day to Day, Emma, Family, Jacob, Kids

30 Days of Thankfulness-Day 6

So, having a teen driver in the house can be, well, a tad bit stressful…okay, incredibly stressful.

  • I am really thankful that my man is the main driving teacher at my house.
  • I mean, immensely thankful.

June July '11 002Jacob got his driver’s permit in January of this year. I have driven with him some, but the majority of driving instruction has been done by my Hubby. I get so freaked out!

How in the WORLD did my parents do it? (Believe me, I have asked myself that question many times in my parental life, not just about this.)  I mean, when Jacob is behind the wheel, I am sitting there white-knuckling the seat of the car like I am on the biggest, baddest, scariest, most rickety roller coaster known to man!  My body is so tensed up, I’ve got a crick in my neck when I get out of the car! I am surprised there is not a hole in the floorboard of the passenger’s side from my stomping of the  imaginary breaks.  I find myself pressing into the floor and saying, with increasing panic, “Break, BREAK, BREAAAAKKKK!!!”

So. Stressful.

Does that ever go away?? 

So, let me just re-state, for the record, how much I appreciate that Clyn takes that on and takes Jacob out to practice his driving, because, y’all, my nerves just can’t take it!

“Adolescence is a period of rapid changes.  Between the ages of 12 and 17, for example, a parent ages as much as 20 years.”  ~Author Unknown


  • I am thankful for Daylight Savings Time and an extra hour of sleep this morning.
  • I am thankful for leisurely breakfasts of cheese biscuits and turkey bacon  that my sweet Hubby cooks for us.
  • I am thankful for re-runs of The Brady Bunch and that liquid gold that most folks simply call “coffee”.

It truly is the simple things, y’all!

Until tomorrow…Be thankful!

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Filed under 30 Days of Thankfulness, Jacob