It happened yesterday…

Jacob Trident w watermark

My boy went to college. And the tears came.

Just yesterday, or so it seemed, I took him to kindergarten and I wept openly as I left. Sobbing loudly down the halls of the school. I am sure people were staring, but I didn’t know. And I didn’t care.

There have been more tears over the years. Tears of frustration—on his part and mine. Tears of hurt and pain as we battled through the really hard days. Tears of wondering what are we going to do and how would this all work out. Tears of pride as I have watched him work so hard and grow and learn and become an incredible young man. Tears of relief and gladness as I watched him master one challenge after another. Tears of gratitude to God. Tears so bittersweet as I watched him graduate from high school barely three months ago.

And now, here we are.


As I put him out of the car and watched him walk away, the flood of emotions came. Prayers out loud in the car to Jesus…Be with him Lord, because I can’t. Help him. Protect him. Grow him.

And the tears.

Tears. Oh, the tears of indescribable joy and pride and love and excitement for his future. And gratitude. So much gratitude in my heart to see where he is today, knowing where he has been—where we all have been as a family. My heart is bursting.

No, he hasn’t gone away to school. He is still here with us to support him as he studies at the local community college. There are still many unknowns. But that is okay. He is ready. He is so on his way.

He is my hero.


Filed under Family, Jacob, Kids, Parenting

12 responses to “It happened yesterday…

  1. Diana

    I’m so happy, and verklempt, to hear that Jacob is on the path of his next big adventure!
    I miss you so much, and think of you often. I’ll be praying for you both on this journey!

    • Thanks so much for your sweet words! I know exciting adventures are happening at your house too! 🙂 I miss you so much too and think of you so often!! ♥

  2. Oh wow. I have tears FOR you because my son just started preschool last year and talk about bawling. I think I may cry at every school year beginning. Every single one. I’m going to just assume that that’s okay. Also, this inspires me so much. My son is in the Preschool Autism Classroom. That yours is starting college (ok totally choking up all over again)? Congratulations, mama. You’ve done it.

    • Aw! And I have tears for YOU as well!! Such an exciting adventure you are embarking upon! I pray that your son has an amazing year! And YES, it is totally okay that you cry. Clearly, I cry a lot and I am COMPLETELY mentally competent! LOL! 😉 I am so glad you are encouraged by our story!! That is the reason I write about our son and our journey with autism. Thanks so much for your sweet words!

  3. Moye

    My dear, sweet friend….I hear you! When our children face battles and struggles that we cannot fight for them….& we see them, press on… continuing to take it step by step…there truly are no words for the awe and pride we feel! There were days when we weren’t sure if Preston was going to make it….survive….and even graduation seemed questionable. And yet, somehow, with perseverance and determination, both our boys are embarking on the new chapter in their lives….college! And we both are excited for where God is going to take them! Thank you Lord for being with all of us every step of the way….and for being with our boys every second….and with us….as we slowly let them go! I love you my friend with all my heart!
    ‘Moya’ 🙂

    • How I love you my friend! I am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for our young men! Praying that they both have amazing experiences this year and that they continue to grow into the men God has created them to be!

  4. Stop it. Those tears are contagious you know! I am so proud of Jacob and your family 🙂

  5. Waaaah – and here I was getting all emotional about the 3rd grade – you made me jump to light years away. I know you are proud!

  6. This post has ME choked up! Congrats to you!

    • It has been a long journey and a blessed one–still not over! LOL! My son has done the really hard work! And the Lord has carried us all! Thank you so much for stopping by!

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